Thursday, October 27, 2016

Bluff Art Festival 2016

Each year, Bluff, Utah hosts an art festival along with a wide variety of workshops.  Here are some photos from several of them.

Laura Post & Kate Aitchison taught an awesome papermaking workshop using fiber from native and exotic plants collected in Bluff and denim scraps from the local laundrymat.  Who knew that paper could be produced from tamarisk, mulberry, willow, Russian olive, and other common species?

Marcus Buck taught folks how to make split twig figurines from willow, a craft that goes back thousands of years.

 Stewart Aitchison showed ten people how to make chili stew, enchiladas, biscuits, baked Brussel sprouts, and apple crisp in Dutch ovens.  Then everyone sat down to eat their creations.
(and no one got sick or burned!)